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October 2024

Vyhlásenie o prístupnosti

Topographic Institute and its main activities

The Topographic Institute is a highly specialized institution of the Ministry of Defence that operates on a Slovakwide scale. Its mission is to collect, process and provide information about a territory for the needs of the defence and security of the Slovak Republic. The main activities of the Topographic Institute include:

  1. production, update and issue of the Military Topographic Map
  2. implementation of international geodetic and cartographic standards
  3. execution of special geodetic works for the needs of the Ministry of Defence
  4. processing of „Military-geographic information“ from the world crisis areas for special units being deployed within the peace-keeping operations of the UN
  5. administration of the „Military information system of the territory“
  6. processing and archiving of aerial photography
  7. development and implementation of GIS technologies within the frame of the Ministry of Defence
  8. archiving of cartographic products and results of geodetic and topographic works


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